Radio Information
2 Meter VHF Repeater
W4DUX 147.255 Mhz PL136.5 +0.6 Hz
W4DUX 147.255 Mhz PL136.5 +0.6 Hz
DMR (This DMR Net has been deactivated ) The new DMR repeater system at the Military Heritage Museum is now accessible to all area Hams providing them with a direct link to the Saturday Get on the Air (GOTA) event on DMR as well as to the worldwide BrandMeister Talk Group network. The W7MHM DMR/DSTAR repeater system at the museum in Punta Gorda hosts TG 313842. W7MHM 444.6500 (+5), color code 1, timeslot 2, TG 313842 (To access all other BM talk groups on this repeater be sure to use timeslot 1) If you are within the coverage area of the Fort Myers BM DMR KF5IW repeater use: KF5IW 442.1750 (+5), color code 1, timeslot 1, TG 313842 Another option for operators within range of the Englewood BM DMR W4AC repeater: W4AC 444.1000 (+5), color code 1, timeslot 2, TG 313842 DSTAR Reflector - REF030C HF Frequencies In Process |